jueves, 11 de enero de 2007

Advantages and disavantages of tecnology in education

Since the begining of the world the man have been searching for evolution, but does it work for education?
Everyday tecnology makes life easier, nowdays we have an item for almost all our needs, the computer for example, we can find many educational interactive programmes to work with and professor cannot avoid, the opportunity of using them on their classes in order to make them more interesting and interactive since young generations are attracted to it, so they find the classes funnier, more entertaining and they feel more confortable about it.
But what about those who are not involved in these new trends?For them, learning through interactive programmes is not that easy, if the do not understand how to work with them, they will not be motivated in the class and the learning proccess will fail.

Rather well structured
Some grammar mistakes
Academical topic
Perhaps ambiguos on some aspects (which?)

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